Protecting the Innocence of ALL Children - Joy in the Season

Protecting the Innocence of ALL Children

What You'll Learn

Discover how to apply Jesus's teaching about children to modern social media challenges, with specific guidance on protecting all children's dignity while engaging online. This devotional will equip you with practical tools for being a positive advocate for children in today's digital world.

February 17, 2025

But Jesus said, ‘Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.’

Matthew 19:14

Have you ever noticed how quickly social media can transform normally kind people into harsh critics? No matter the discussion, there is one line adults shouldn’t cross.


The other day, I witnessed something that stopped me in my tracks – adults openly mocking a preschooler on Facebook simply because they disagreed with his father’s actions. I felt my blood pressure rising as I read comment after comment, but instead of jumping into the fray, I closed my laptop and prayed.

That moment revealed something crucial about our modern Christian walk: sometimes our biggest ministry opportunities come through choosing not to engage, and instead lifting our concerns to the One who holds all children dear to His heart.

In a world increasingly divided by politics and social media, we sometimes forget the fundamental truth that children are precious gifts from God, deserving of our protection and care regardless of their background or family circumstances. Mocking a preschooler simply because of who his father is not only grieves the heart of God but demonstrates how far we’ve strayed from Jesus’s example of embracing and protecting ALL children.

When Jesus spoke these words, He was responding to disciples who thought children were a nuisance, unworthy of His time. His response was clear and firm – children have a special place in God’s kingdom. This truth transcends time, social status, and circumstances. Every child, whether born to a prominent figure or an unknown parent, carries the same infinite worth in God’s eyes.

What’s particularly troubling is how this behavior cuts across all social and economic lines. We see wealthy children being criticized for their privilege and branded as “spoiled,” while children from struggling families face cruel comments about their circumstances or appearance. Both extremes miss the heart of Jesus’s teaching – that every child, regardless of their family’s bank account or social status, deserves protection, respect, and the chance to simply be a child. Whether it’s mocking a CEO’s child for their privileged lifestyle or making disparaging remarks about a child from a low-income neighborhood, both actions equally wound young hearts and stand in direct opposition to Christ’s love.

Today’s digital age presents unique challenges in living out this teaching. We might find ourselves tempted to join in criticism or mockery of public figures that unintentionally spills over to affect their children. But as followers of Christ, we’re called to a higher standard.

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Practical Application:

  1. Guard Your Social Media Engagement
  • Before commenting on posts, pause and ask: “Are my words harming a child?”
  • Create a personal rule to wait 5 minutes before responding to triggering content
  • If you see harmful comments about children, report them to platform moderators rather than engaging in arguments
  • Consider unfollowing accounts that regularly mock or criticize children, even if you agree with their other content
  1. Be an Active Advocate in Your Community
  • Speak up when you hear others making disparaging comments about children from any background
  • Support your local schools’ anti-bullying programs, which often address both in-person and cyber harassment
  • Volunteer with organizations that serve children from diverse socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Share positive stories about children’s achievements, regardless of their family circumstances
  1. Lead by Example in Your Own Circle
  • Talk to your own children or young family members about treating all their peers with kindness
  • Use teachable moments to explain why mocking others, especially children, goes against Christian values
  • Practice using empathetic language when discussing differences in family circumstances
  • Share age-appropriate discussions about how words can impact others, both online and in person
  1. Transform Criticism into Prayer
  • Keep an area in your prayer journal specifically focused on children in your community
  • When tempted to engage with negative content, redirect that energy into praying for:
    • The children being targeted
    • Their families and support systems
    • Those posting harmful comments
    • Wisdom for community leaders making decisions affecting children
  1. Take Concrete Action
  • Support organizations working to protect children’s dignity online
  • Share resources about cyber-bullying prevention with your church youth group
  • Organize community discussions about protecting all children in the digital age
  • Consider starting a parent support group focused on navigating social media challenges

Remember: Each small action you take to protect children’s dignity creates ripples of positive change in your community. Start with one of these suggestions today, and gradually incorporate others as they become natural habits in your daily life.


Heavenly Father, 

Forgive us for the times we've forgotten that every child is precious to You. Help us to be vigilant protectors of children's dignity, especially in digital spaces where cruelty can feel anonymous and justified.

Give us wisdom to know when to speak up and when to step back and pray. Guard our hearts against prejudice that would lead us to treat any child differently based on their parents' identity or actions. Guide us to be more like Jesus in how we view and treat all children.

We pray this trusting and believing in You.

Journal Prompt:

Reflect on a time when you witnessed children being treated differently based on their family background. How did it make you feel? What actions could you have taken to better protect their dignity? Write about specific ways you can be a better advocate for all children in your sphere of influence.

Miss Mary Signature

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When social media tempts us to forget our values, remember: every child is precious to God – no exceptions. Today’s devotional explores Matthew 19:14 and how we can better protect children’s dignity online. Let’s be different. Let’s be better. #FaithInAction #ProtectAllChildren #ChristianLiving

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