Devotional: Finding Peace in His Presence - Joy in the Season

Devotional: Finding Peace in His Presence

What You'll Learn

Pull up a cozy chair and let’s talk about transforming those quiet morning moments into sacred spaces for connecting with God.

February 15, 2025

Be still, and know that I am God: I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted in the earth.

Psalm 46:10 (KJV)

There’s something sacred about these early morning hours, when the world is still sleeping and the rain creates a gentle rhythm against the windowpanes. As I reflect on this verse, I’m reminded of how rare these truly still moments are in our busy lives. The crackling fireplace, the warmth of coffee between your palms, the soft glow before dawn – these quiet moments are invitations from God to simply be still and know Him more deeply.

In our modern world, stillness often feels like a luxury we can’t afford. Our phones ping with notifications, our minds race with to-do lists, and there’s always another task demanding our attention. Yet God’s command to “be still” isn’t a suggestion – it’s a divine invitation to step away from the chaos and recognize His sovereignty.

The Hebrew word for “be still” (raphah) actually means to let go, to release, to surrender. When we create space for stillness, we’re not just taking a break – we’re actively practicing trust in God’s control over our circumstances. Just as the rain outside falls in its perfect rhythm, ordained by our Creator, so too does He orchestrate the seasons of our lives.

Think about the moments when you feel most connected to God. Often, they’re not in the grand gestures or elaborate worship services, but in these quiet moments of surrender. Like the gentle patter of rain on a tin roof, God’s presence often speaks in whispers rather than shouts.

Creating space for stillness doesn’t have to be complicated, friend. Let me share some ways you can weave these sacred moments into your daily rhythm, especially during these peaceful country mornings we’re blessed with.

Creating Your Own Stillness Routine

You know those first moments when the house is quiet, and it feels like you’re the only one awake in the world? That’s your invitation to meet with God. Choose a time that works with your natural rhythm – for me, it’s those pre-dawn hours when even the roosters are still sleeping. Find yourself a cozy spot that feels inviting; mine is my mom’s old recliner pulled close to the fireplace, with my favorite quilt and a hot cup of coffee within reach.

Now, here’s something important: you’ll need to guard this time carefully. That means putting your phone in another room (yes, really!), turning off the TV, and creating a space where notifications and to-do lists can’t intrude. This might feel uncomfortable at first – we’re so used to being connected all the time. But just like how a garden needs good soil to grow, your spirit needs quiet space to flourish.

Learning to Listen

Stillness isn’t just about being quiet; it’s about learning to listen with your whole heart. Start small – even five minutes of complete silence can feel like an eternity when you’re first beginning. Instead of jumping straight into your prayer requests, try sitting in God’s presence like you would with a dear friend, comfortable in the shared silence.

Use what’s around you as prayer prompts. Let the sound of rain on your tin roof remind you of God’s provision. Watch how the sunrise paints the sky and let it speak to you of His creativity. Notice the way your coffee steam curls up toward heaven, and let your prayers rise just as naturally.

Embracing Early Mornings

There’s something special about meeting God before the world wakes up. If you’re not naturally a morning person, don’t worry – this isn’t about forcing yourself into someone else’s schedule. Start by waking up just 15 minutes earlier than usual. Wrap yourself in something cozy, pour that first cup of coffee, and simply sit with God.

Let the natural rhythm of your morning guide your time with Him. As you hear the first birdsong, thank Him for new mercies. When you see the first light creeping across your kitchen floor, remember that He is the light of the world. As your family begins to stir, pray for each one by name.

Here’s a tip that’s helped me: prepare for these moments the night before. Set out your Bible and journal, have your coffee pot ready to go, and maybe even lay out that cozy throw. When everything’s waiting for you, it’s so much easier to slip into that early morning stillness without fuss or frustration.

Remember… this isn’t about perfection – it’s about presence. Some mornings, your quiet time might get interrupted by a crying baby or an early-rising child. That’s okay. The goal isn’t to create a perfect Instagram-worthy devotional scene; it’s to develop a real, sustainable practice of being still before God in whatever season you’re in.

Start where you are, with what you have. Whether that’s five minutes or fifty, whether you’re at your kitchen table or in your favorite armchair, God is far more interested in your willing heart than in perfect circumstances. Let these quiet moments become anchors in your day, sacred spaces where you can simply be still and know that He is God.

Final Thoughts

The beauty of stillness is that it requires no special equipment, no particular expertise – just a willing heart and an open spirit. When we make space for these moments, we begin to recognize God’s presence in the everyday details of our lives: the warmth of a fireplace, the comfort of a familiar blanket, the aroma of fresh coffee.

A Prayer for Learning to Be Still:

Heavenly Father, 

Thank You for the gift of quiet moments and peaceful mornings. Help us learn to be still in Your presence, to trust in Your sovereignty, and to find rest in knowing You are God. Teach us to recognize Your voice in the gentle rhythms of our days. Give us the courage to set aside our busy schedules and racing thoughts to simply dwell in Your presence. Lead us to create spaces of stillness where we can know You more deeply and experience Your perfect peace.

We pray this trusting and believing in You. Amen.

Journal Prompt:

Describe a moment when you felt God’s presence in the stillness. What were the physical details of that moment? How did it affect your spirit? What practical steps can you take to create more of these moments in your daily life?

Miss Mary Signature
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Coffee in front of fire

In the gentle hush before dawn, when rain taps against the windows and the fire crackles softly, God whispers to our hearts. These aren’t just peaceful moments – they’re divine invitations to be still and know Him more deeply.

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